• [China Special] OU DOCTOR HongHu Pickled Pepper Lotus Root
  • [China Special] OU DOCTOR HongHu Pickled Pepper Lotus Root
[China Special] OU DOCTOR HongHu Pickled Pepper Lotus Root
[China Special] OU DOCTOR HongHu Pickled Pepper Lotus Root

[China Special] OU DOCTOR HongHu Pickled Pepper Lotus Root

藕博士 洪湖泡椒藕带藕尖

Dr Lotus choose the best lotus from China, which is HongHu. The lotus there is fresh and crunchy, marinated with pickled pepper, the sour and mild spicy taste offers you the option to either make salad or use it for stir fried with meat.
Dr Lotus
360 days
Avoid direct sunshine